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Category Archives: Health

10 benefits and precautions of "Rang Chuet"

10 benefits and precautions of “Rang Chuet”

The other day I saw a post from a common person on a Facebook fan page. Write about the benefits of Rang Chuet that is used to feed dogs that have been poisoned. and narrowly survived. It makes us wonder how much benefit the said Rang Duel

How much dietary fiber should you eat to be good for your body?

How much dietary fiber should you eat to be good for your body?

In addition to the dietary fiber that comes from fruits and vegetables, many people try to eat more. It will help with the digestive system. Reduce the risk of constipation. It also reduces the risk of various diseases. Since Colon cancer Large Diabetes Type 2 to

9 Healthy Drinks all kinds of benefits Completely prevent disease

9 Healthy Drinks all kinds of benefits Completely prevent disease

Choosing healthy food will help keep your body healthy and able to avoid various diseases as well. Even some drinks can help prevent disease as well. Especially the 9 types of healthy drinks that we have shared with the girls. have come to drink to prevent various diseases Because each

8 drinks that are not recommended for women who are trying to lose fat

8 drinks that are not recommended for women who are trying to lose fat

Normally, the main reason why the body has accumulated fat. It’s not just about eating food. But also the consumption of certain beverages as well. Because some drinks contribute to the body’s fat accumulation, not different from eating certain foods. So, we’ve rounded up 8 drinks that aren’t recommended for women. Who