Does quitting drinking “coffee” really give you a “headache”?

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People who are addicted to coffee must drink coffee every morning. Or maybe several glasses a day. But it should be well known that drinking a lot of coffee May have negative effects on the body So I tried to stop drinking. But quitting coffee after drinking it for a long time May cause abnormal symptoms in the body.

Does quitting drinking "coffee" really give you a "headache"?

How does stopping drinking coffee affect your body?

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides information that Coffee contains a substance called caffeine. Caffeine has the effect of stimulating the nerves. Make the body rejuvenated Feeling awake But if you drink coffee regularly until it becomes a habit It may result in not being able to live without coffee. You may also experience symptoms of caffeine deficiency if you stop drinking coffee suddenly.

Acute caffeine deficiency. It usually occurs 12-24 hours after the last caffeine consumption. Symptoms are most severe between 20-48 hours and may last for up to 7 days. The most common symptoms are: Headache In addition, Conditions may occur: Fatigue, drowsiness, depression, and inability to concentrate But if the body receives caffeine, symptoms will improve within half an hour.

How to safely reduce coffee

  1. Reduce your intake gradually over 7-14 days to prevent possible caffeine withdrawal symptoms. 
  2. Limit the amount you drink, e.g. Reducing the size of a coffee cup and limit the number of times you drink per day
  3. Switch to other drinks that contain lower amounts of caffeine, such as tea, cocoa, sports drinks,สมัคร ufabet etc.
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